Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Head Hunger: Coping with Your Triggers for Overeating part 1

By Michelle May, M.D.

Why am I hungry all the time?

If you find yourself thinking, "Why am I hungry all the time?" you may be confusing "head hunger" with "body hunger." If you're someone who's sensitive to food cues, weight management will be challenging until you are able to recognize the overeating triggers in your environment and break the associations that lead you to overeat simply out of habit.

Let's take a look at just a few of the common overeating triggers and strategies for coping more effectively with head hunger.

BY THE CLOCK: Society programs us to follow a schedule, so like Pavlov's dog, you may have learned to salivate when the bell rings. The reality is that it's more convenient to eat at certain times than others so it takes effort to listen to your hunger cues.

Though it's challenging to change this routine, you can adapt it to fit your own needs. Learn to pace yourself by observing your natural hunger rhythms. You'll probably notice that you get hungry every 3-6 hours depending on what and how much you ate last. Keep a healthy snack handy to satisfy hunger that doesn't conform to mealtimes. If you're consistently tempted to snack right before a meal, move your mealtime up. And remember, if you're only a little bit hungry, you don't need to eat a whole plateful just because it is mealtime.

So if you've wondered, "Why am I hungry all the time?" it's time to develop new strategies. By learning to recognize and decrease your overeating triggers, distracting yourself and coping effectively with head hunger, you'll soon break free from old habits. You'll find yourself eating less, feeling more satisfied and more fulfilled. 

Discover what you need to know to change your destructive patterns for good in these nine "easy-to-read over a cup of coffee" e-book chapters from I'm NOT Hungry - What Now?