Monday, January 3, 2011

Tips & Reminders: food

  1. Do not skip meals.
  2. Consume meals slowly. Stop if you feel full or nauseated. Resume when the feeling subsides.
  3. Take small bites and chew well! Chew 10-20 times per bit once you begin solid foods.
  4. A protein shake (8 oz) may be substituted for a meal if you have a problem tolerating solid food. Stage 1 (Sugar free Clear liquid) diet is your "fall back" stage if your stomach pouch is upset.
  5. Eat a balanced diet. The amounts of food eaten at each meal will be small, it is important that they be of high nutritional value.
  6. Avoid grazing or snacking through-out the day. "Grazing" is encouraged with non-calorie fluids, but is discouraged with solid foods. Grazing can lead to overeating and negatively impact weight loss.
  7. Freeze foods in ice cube trays and store in Zip Lock bags. When ready to eat, microwave frozen cubes.
  8. Use spices to flavor foods. Be careful with hot spices such as cayenne pepper and hot sauce because it may upset your stomach. Hot spices are OK, if you tolerate them.
  9. Blending your food. (Pureed- Stage 3)
    1. Cut foods into small pieces about the size of your thumbnail.
    2. Place food in blender. Add enough liquid to cover the blades (broth, juice, water, milk)
    3. Blend until smooth like applesauce.
    4. Strain out lumps, seeds, or pieces of food.