Tuesday, February 15, 2011

After surgery in the hospital

You will go to the recovery room. Where you will be monitored and every effort will be made to make you comfortable. You will have oxygen and air stockings on to prevent blood clots. You will then go to the medical-surgical floor. You will be oriented to your room and family may visit. You will be given pain medication. It is important you do breathing exercises with the incentive spirometer 10x an hour while awake. You must get up and walk in the hallway the day of surgery. This is important to reduce the risk of blood clots forming in your legs, going to your heart leading to death. With Gastric Bypass and Sleeve you will not be allowed to having nothing to eat or drink till the following day after a Swallow Study. Medications will be provided. You will have a clear liquid diet provided to you. When you tolerate this you will be advanced to a full liquid diet. This is the diet you will stay on till your 2 week follow up appointment with your surgeon.

Plan to stay 2-3 days in hospital after surgery

--Hospital stay length varies with each patient

--Lap band: same day surgery or 1 overnight

--Sleeve: 2 overnights

--Gastric Bypass: 2-3 overnights