Thursday, December 9, 2010

Solid foods vs. soft calories

To maximize weight loss and to maintain nutrition, solid foods are preferred over soft calories. This means that soup, yogurt, and other healthy but soft calories should be minimized.

You should generally eat the same foods as the rest of the family, only in much smaller amounts (e.g. a chicken wing might constitute an entire lunch). The best foods here are meats and vegetables (including salads). Since the quantity of your intake is very limited, it is very important that you eat highly nutritious foods and don't waste valuable space in your new "stomach pouch" with empty calorie, junk foods. This is a great incentive to "eat healthy."

Fruits may also be added during this time, though they do contain natural sugar and should not be a big part of your diet. In the long run fruits are best used sparingly as "dessert."

All meats can now be eaten. The most important things to remember when eating meats are:

-To cut up each piece of meat to the size of the eraser on a wooden pencil.

-To chew up each piece of meat individually, before swallowing.

-Avoid any gristly meats (including Spam) at this time because
gristle tends to get stuck in the pouch.


(Information from WHMC Gastric Bypass Nutritional Guidelines Handbook)