Monday, August 15, 2011

Depression after WLS

Depression – One of the Common Gastric Bypass Problems


Many people suffer from depression after weight loss surgery, but they don’t usually realize that this is one of the common gastric bypass problems, either because of the procedure itself, or the very low calorie diet that follows weight loss surgery.

Some gastric bypass problems are caused by the post-surgery diet

Research has shown that low calorie diets may cause depression, and a low-calorie diet can increase the symptoms in already diagnosed depressive people. The diet following gastric bypass surgery is so low in calories that depression often follows the procedure – but patients rarely recognize the cause.

Some doctors argue that post-surgical depression is “all in the patient’s head,” but depression can be caused by inadequate levels of mood stabilizing chemicals such as serotonin, nor-epinephrine, and dopamine. These brain chemicals can be altered by nutritional deficiencies and the physical stress of recovering from a major surgery.

Many things can cause these chemicals to get out of balance, including weight loss and low calorie intake. Depression is one of the more serious gastric bypass problems and risks.

Why the reduced food allowance can cause depression and other gastric bypass problems

Calories are fuel for the body. The body needs a certain number of calories to survive. When there isn’t enough fuel to go around, the most important functions of the body get first shot at the available food. This can cause lower serotonin levels in people who do not eat enough to maintain all the important functions inside the body’s cells.

The lower serotonin levels can cause depression. According to the Thinner Times website, psychological challenges are the causes of 5-10% of deaths occurring two or more months after gastric bypass surgery, so this is far from a minor complication.

Depression is a dangerous illness causing thousands of deaths each year. The gastric bypass diet needs to be closely monitored and adjusted in order to prevent depression. Many small healthy meals per day are needed to take in adequate amounts of calories. This will ensure a continuous supply of fuel for your body.

The small meals need to be well balanced with a healthy amount of proteins, dairy, fruits, and vegetables. Vitamins also should be taken daily to help supplement the food intake. Stick with your nutritional adviser, and follow her recommendations closely. If you feel any of the symptoms of depression or any of the other common gastric bypass problems, discuss it with your doctor, and insist that your symptoms are taken seriously.

Lifestyle changes and other gastric bypass problems can also contribute to depression

The loneliness a gastric bypass patient often feels after surgery can also contribute to depression. It is hard to go out to a restaurant and eat like friends do. Ordering and portion size must be taken into consideration. The joy of dining out with a date is also compromised. The need to explain actions causes embarrassment and feelings of inadequacy. Speaking to a date before eating at a restaurant will alleviate the fears of uncomfortable questions. The right person will understand and not judge the gastric bypass patient.

Common symptoms of depression

Symptoms of depression include sadness throughout most of the day and lack of interest in activities a patient once enjoyed. A depressed person may be tired and want to sleep all the time. They may be pessimistic and have a negative outlook on life. Severely depressive people will have thoughts of death or suicide.

When depression does occur, is is imperative to seek help immediately. There are medications available to help balance out the chemicals in the brain. Early intervention is important because after beginning a depression medication, sometimes up to 4 weeks can pass before a patient begins feel better. Your nutritional counselor may also want to make changes in your post-gastric bypass diet to make sure you’re getting all the nutrients you need for optimal mental health.

If the first medication doesn’t provide relief within a month, inform the prescribing doctor and don’t despair. There are many medications to try. Each person is different and finding the correct medication sometimes takes a few tries.

People choosing gastric bypass surgery need to be aware of the serious side effects of depression. Depression is not something to downplay or ignore. It can be very serious and even fatal if not treated.

As with any of the common gastric bypass problems, patients should be informed of the ways to prevent depression, how to identify that they are having a problem, and the steps to take to alleviate symptoms.