Wednesday, June 8, 2011

A Mental Makeover

The third most common psychological issue interfering with weight loss and maintenance is Perfectionism.  A perfectionist brings an unrealistic attitude towards weight management.  They have an "all or nothing"  mentality when it comes to creating a healthier lifestyle and managing their eating.  The typical weight loss pattern for a perfectionist is that once they vary from their program, even slightly, they abandon the entire effort.  This leads to frustration and can make weight management seel like an insurmountable mountain.

Since no one is perfect, this "all or nothing' mentality dooms the patient to failure before they even begin.  This thinking is typically traced back to childhood.  The negative effects of this kind of thinking can be devastating.  These include poor self-esteem, guilty feelings, pessimism about the future, depression, obsessive-compulsive behavior, low motivation, and lack of sel-belief.  Perfectionism creates an enormous mental roadblock to successful weight loss.

How to overcome perfectionism:
1.  Set realistic goals.
2.  Change your way of thinking.  No more, "I must be perfect or I am a failure."
3.  Be prepared.  Have a retracking plan in place for when you "fall off the wagon."  This is a diet emergency kit - a day's worth of healthy meals and snacks that are always available in your house.

By John H. Sklare, EdD